
A contraindication is a factor or a condition that forbids the application of a certain diagnostical or therapeutical medical treatment. If a contraindication is ignored, damages to the health or a deterioration of a primary disease are possible. On general, every package leaflet of any drug contains a list of possible contraindications.

During the consultation with the doctor you will also be asked about possible contraindications to determine if an MBST magnetic resonance therapy is a suitable therapy option for you.

MedTec MBST Umweltschutz Recycling

Relative contraindications · Absolute contraindications

There are various reasons that make a certain medical treatment unsuitable for a patient. Some are only temporary, e. g. a cold or pregnancy, others permanently forbid the application of some treatment options, e. g. some primary diseases. Absolute contraindications need to be strictly adhered to as consequences for the patient may be severe. Relative contraindications have a greater scope for decision. The doctor’s decision can be based on the individual condition of the patient. Some risk remains but a treatment might still be applicated if the expected benefit outweighs the possible risks.

Contraindications for the MBST magnetic resonance therapy

MedTec advises against an MBST therapy if the following conditions are present:

  • Tumours in the treatment zone
  • HIV
  • Pregnancy
  • Leukaemia
  • Active implants in the treatment zone, e. g. pace makers, defibrillators (ICDs), pain or insulin pumps

Active implants require an individual assessment by a physician. Because the basis of the technology is the same – magnetic resonance technology – an MBST therapy might be possible if the active implants are suitable for MRI scans.

Furthermore, some rare metabolic diseases require an individual assessment by a physician.

Please discuss all possible contraindications with a doctor in an MBST treatment centre who can assess after a thorough risk-benefit-analysis if an MBST magneitc resonance therapy is possible for you.