Lectures and publications about MBST magnetic resonance technology and therapy

Lectures are a way to convey the main points or scientific results of a publication to a professional audience. An important factor is passing on knowledge in speaking or writing. Lectures are the most common way of presentation at scientific congresses.

Communicating scientific results and findings about MBST magnetic resonance technology

The presentation of the results of scientific research allows easier understanding of the main points and prompts academic discussion. It is explained what can be deduced from the results of the investigations and what these mean for the field of research. Magnetic resonance technology has been presented in lectures, poster presentations and other academic publications or workshops to professional audiences and others. MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH provides scientific and clinical information to enable a profound assessment of MBST therapy resp. MBST magnetic resonance technology for scientists, medical professionals and all others interested. The publication of scientific content is no advertisement as defined in the Heilmittelwerbegesetz. Its only purpose is personal information of interested persons. It is by no means a recommendation by the scientists involved. Statements about efficacy and tolerability are based on experiences of the treating physicians and their patients. It is currently disputed in orthodox medicine whether the efficacy of MBST magnetic resonance therapy is sufficiently proven scientifically. Since every human being is different by nature, the success of a medical procedure cannot be guaranteed which is why patients are informed extensively beforehand and without pressure of time about potential risks and contraindications.

Many scientific findings were a crucial point in the further development of MBST magnetic resonance technology.

Fallbericht Muskelverletzung – Partialruptur des Adduktor Longus links inkl. diffuser Blutung und Ödem im Muskel

T. Murrisch; Private practice, Hausham

sportärztezeitung, 02/2022, 44f.

Nonlinear Dose Response between NMR therapy and mRNA clock gene expression in mouse fibroblast cells

D. Mauracher, M. Egg; Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Poster, internal notice, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Zoology, 2022

Kernspinresonanztherapie Becken – Case MBST: Mehrfache Ansatztendinopathien mit teilweisen Avulsionen im Beckenbereich

P. Stiller; Specialist in General Medicine and Emergency Medicine; former team doctor of soccer professional team FC Augsburg

sportärztezeitung, https://sportaerztezeitung.com/rubriken/therapie/6809/kernspinresonanztherapie-becken/

Patellasehnenruptur – Physio und MBST verkürzten Praxisausfall

P. Krapf; Specialist in Orthopaedics, Osteology Centre

Orthopädie & Rheuma, 2021, 24 (3)

Kernspinresonanz-Therapie – Schnellere und rezidivfreie Therapie bei Muskelverletzungen?

L. Stephan; Specialist in Orthopaedics in Dresden, Germany, and team doctor of Dresdner Eisloewen (DEL 2), handball team ESV Lok Pirna and local athletes field and track

sportärztezeitung 02/2020, 36f.

Invalidisierender Fersenschmerz – Case Report Triathletin

P. Stiller; Specialist in General Medicine and Emergency Medicine, former team doctor of FC Augsburg 1907

sportärztezeitung 04/2020, 46–47

Wundbehandlung mit Kernspinresonanz- und Aromatherapie

U. Langguth; Specialist in Surgery, Orthopaedics, Trauma Surgery and Specialized Trauma Surgery

FORUM, 56, 2020, 28–30

Die Wirkung der MBST-Therapie auf die Wiederherstellung der Funktion des Kniegelenks

M. A. Malygina, I. V. Kitaev; N.I. Sklifosovsky Institute for Research in Emergency Medicine, N.V. Sklifosovsky Institute for Emergency Medicine, ArthroMedCenter, Moscow, Russia

Lecture and publication, Pirogov Forum for Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Kasan, Russia, December 10–11, 2020

Therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance therapy (NMRT) influences the miRNA profile and the hypoxic behavior of human chondrocytes stimulated by IL-1ß

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser3, B. Lohberger2, L. Weigl1, N. Stündl2, K. Kashofer4, A. Leithner2, W. Kullich5; 1Division of Special Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; 2Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, Medical University of Graz, Austria; 3Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Gröbming, Austria; 4Institute for Pathology, Medical University of Graz, Austria; 5Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Poster presentation; Österreichische Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie (ÖGR) Annual Meeting 2019, November 28–30, 2019; Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel & muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen, 26(4), November 2019

Therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance therapy (NMRT) influences the miRNA profile and the hypoxic behavior of human chondrocytes stimulated by IL-1ß

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser3, B. Lohberger2, L. Weigl1, N. Stündl2, K. Kashofer4, A. Leithner2, W. Kullich5; 1Division of Special Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; 2Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, Medical University of Graz, Austria; 3Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Gröbming, Austria; 4Institute for Pathology, Medical University of Graz, Austria; 5Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Abstract; Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel & muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen, 26(4), November 2019

Changes in the miRNA profile and hypoxic behavior of human chondrocytes by therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance therapy (NMRT)

B. Lohberger1, L. Weigl2, N. Stündl1, A. Mann2, A. Leithner1, W. Kullich3, B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser4; 1Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, Medical University of Graz, Austria; 2Division of Special Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; 3Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; 4Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Abstract; EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology, Madrid, Spain, June 12–15, 2019; Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Juni 2019, 78 (Suppl 2) 1514, DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-eular.7855

Nuclear magnetic resonance affects the circadian clock and hypoxia-inducible factor isoforms in zebrafish

R. Oliva, B. Jansen, F. Benscheidt, A. M. Sandbichler, M. Egg; Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Biological Rhythm Research, 2019, 50(5), 739–757, DOI: 10.1080/09291016.2018.1498194

Comprehensive Approach to Personalized Medicine into Chronic Musculoskeletal Diseases

D. Krpan; Policlinica K-Centar, Zagreb, Croatia

In: N. Bodiroga-Vukobrat, D. Rukavina, K. Pavelic, G. G. Sander (Eds.) 2019, Personalized Medicine in Healthcare Systems, Europeanization and Globalization, vol. 5, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16465-2_266

Why We Need the New Paradigm of the Chronic Skeleton Diseases?

D. Krpan; Policlinica K-Centar, Zagreb, Croatia

CPQ Orthopaedics, 2(1), 2019, 1–7, DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.11.002068

Regenerationsbeschleunigung durch MBST Kernspinresonanz-Technologie

M. W. Hoetzel; Specialist in General Medicine in Montabaur, Germany, racing doctor

sportärztezeitung 03/2019, 36f.

Konservative Behandlung im Handballsport

C. Buck; orthopaedic practice in Ulm; team doctor German national team athletics, SSV Ulm (soccer, first league), VfB Stuttgart (soccer, third league), ratiopharm Ulm (basketball, first league)

Lecture, Jahrestreffen der Handballärzte, January 25–26, 2019, Wuerzburg, Germany

Halbgötterdämmerung – Paradigmenwechsel in der Therapie muskuloskelettaler Erkrankungen

M. Hoetzel; specialist in General Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Senior Race Physician (DMSB), Montabaur, Germany

Lecture; 2nd Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 23, 2019, Wetzlar, Germany

Therapeutische Kernspinresonanz im klinischen Setting

J. Henning; Specialist in orthopaedics, physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine. Manual medicine, special pain therapy, physical medicine, osteologist DVO, rheumatologically educated orthopaedist (RhefO), Chief Physician at Lahnhoehe Hospital, Lahnstein, Germany

Lecture; 2nd Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 23, 2019, Wetzlar, Germany

Einfluss der Kernspinresonanzen auf die innere Uhr von Säugern

M. Egg; Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Lecture; 2nd Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 23, 2019, Wetzlar, Germany

Konservative Therapieoptionen bei Fingerpolyarthrose

P. Hoefert; Specialist in orthopaedics, own practice in Potsdam, Germany

Lecture; 2nd Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 23, 2019, Wetzlar, Germany

Case Report: Erfolgreiche Behandlung eines Morbus Grashey (Aseptische Nekrose des Akromions im Wachstumsalter) bei einer Spitzensportlerin

C. Melzer; former Medical Director of MediClin Fachkrankenhauses for Orthopedics in Bad Dueben, Germany

Lecture; 2nd Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 23, 2019, Wetzlar, Germany

Combination of therapeutic magnetic resonance and physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases

L. Baños, owner of Clínica Luis Baños in Jaèn, Spain

Lecture; 2nd Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 23, 2019, Wetzlar, Germany

Therapeutische Kernspinresonanz im Leistungssport – Frakturheilung, Muskel-, Bänder- und Sehnenschäden

S. Schulze; medical professional for sports

Lecture; 2nd Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 23, 2019, Wetzlar, Germany

Korrekte Indikationsstellung – Indikationen und Kontraindikationen

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture; 2nd Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 23, 2019, Wetzlar, Germany

Wirkung der KernspinResonanz – Therapie auf Chondrozyten – ein neuer Therapieansatz

C. Melzer; former Medical Director of MediClin Fachkrankenhauses for Orthopedics in Bad Dueben, Germany

Lecture; 8. Berliner Knorpelsymposium, May 10–11, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Wirkung der MBST®-KSRT auf die zirkadiane Uhr und den Sauerstoff-Signalweg

M. Egg; Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Lecture; 1st Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 10, 2018, Wetzlar, Germany

MBST® Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy in the treatmentof osteoporosis

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture; 1st Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 10, 2018, Wetzlar, Germany

Neues Wirkprinzip in der Behandlung von Schmerzen des Stütz- u. Bewegungsapparates: Therapie mit Kernspinresonanz

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture; 1st Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 10, 2018, Wetzlar, Germany

Regeneration chondraler und ossärer Strukturen. Kausale Osteoporose-Therapie und effektive Behandlung metabolischer Störungen des subchondralen Knochens

C. Melzer; former Medical Director of MediClin Fachkrankenhauses for Orthopedics in Bad Dueben

Lecture; 1st Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 10, 2018, Wetzlar, Germany

Einfluss der Kernspinresonanztherapie auf die Balance von intrazellulärem Calcium ATP NFk-B Aktivität in Chondrozyten unter IL-1b

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture; 1st Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 10, 2018, Wetzlar, Germany

Einsatz von Kernspinresonanztherapie bei Leistungssportlern zur Reduzierung von Verletzungsausfallzeiten

R. Toussaint; practice for orthopedics and sports medicine in Leipzig, team doctor SC DHfKLeipzig (handball first league)

Lecture; 1st Wetzlar Medical Symposium, March 10, 2018, Wetzlar, Germany

MBST Kernspinresonanzen im therapeutischen Alltag

M. Hoetzel; specialist in General Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Senior Race Physician (DMSB), Montabaur

Lecture; DVOST Symposium 2018, Evidence and reality in sports orthopedics and traumatology, May 31 – June 3, 2018, Pichlarn, Austria

Molekulare Biophysikalische Stimulation in der konservativen Orthopädie

M. Hoetzel; specialist in General Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Senior Race Physician (DMSB), Montabaur

Workshop; Tag der Privatmedizin, November 24, 2018, Frankfurt a. M.

MBST – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis, the Long- Term Follow Up – Case Report

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR), 11(2), DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.11.002068

MBST Kernspinresonanz-Therapie

A. Muntermann; MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Deutschland

Lecture; Insitutsseminar im Wintersemester 2018/2019, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, December 6, 2018, Gießen, Germany

„Aus der Praxis für die Praxis“ – Fachvortrag „Neues Wirkprinzip: Therapie mit Kernspinresonanz“

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Seminar „Spezielle Schmerztherapie“ zur Erlangung des Schmerzdiploms der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, Part 2: June 2017, Salzburger Schmerzinstitut, Salzburger Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin, Vorarlberger Ärztekammer

MBST und die Circadiane Uhr: Auswirkungen der Kernspinresonanztherapie auf die Circadiane Uhr und den Hypoxie-Signalweg

R. Oliva, F. Benscheidt, A. M. Sandbichler, M. Egg; Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

MBST – KernspinResonanzTherapie Organregeneration unter MBST-Einfluss

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

Behandlung von Bandscheibenvorfällen im Kernspintheraphiezentrum Riesa

R. Opel; Kernspintherapiezentrum Riesa, Germany

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

MBST Ergebnisse aus der Zellforschung

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

„Von der Idee zur Innovation“ – 20 Jahre Kernspinresonanz

A. Muntermann; MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

Abrechnungsproblematik im Gesundheitswesen, MBST und die GoÄ

H. Schott; Lawyer, Essen, Germany

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

Grenzen und Chancen des Heilmittelwerbegesetzes

S. Kierer; Lawyer, HFBP Rechtsanwälte, Frankfurt/Giessen/Berlin/Hanover, Germany

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

MBST – Mehrwert Praxismarketing

G. Finkes; MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

Die optimale IGeL-Strategie

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

„Von der Idee zur Innovation“ – Funktionsprizip und Wirkschlüssel der Kernspinresonanztechnologie

A. Muntermann; MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany

Lecture, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungsreihe, Anwenderkongress Wetzlar, March 3–4, 2017

Multi Award Winner German medical health company MedTec presented newest therapy options for osteoarthritis at Asia Health Exhibition 2017

Medical Device ASIA, Vol. 9, No. 2, March-April 2017, 8–9

The therapeutic nuclear megnetic resonance changes the balancein intracellular calcium and reduces the IL-1ß induced increase if NF-KB aktivity in chondrocytes

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser1, W. Kullich2, A. Mann3, H.-G. Kress4, L. Weigl5; 1Cluster for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Ludwig Boltzmann Department for Rehabilitation of Internal Diseases; 2Cluster for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Ludwig Boltzmann Department for Rehabilitation of Internal Diseases; 3Medical University, Vienna, Department of Special Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy; 4Medical University, Vienna, Department of Special Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy; 5Medical University, Vienna, Department of Special Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 2017

Innovative medicine technology – Made in Germany, The solution of the problems for Today and for the future

A. Muntermann

Lecture, Medical Symposium, MBST-Centre, Bangalore, India, June 15, 2017

MBST nuclear magnetic resonance therapy, 15 years of practical experience in therapeutic application

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Medical Symposium, MBST-Centre, Bangalore, India, June 15, 2017

Innovative medicine technology – Made in Germany, The solution of the problems for Today and for the future

A. Muntermann

Lecture, Medical Symposium, Damian Klinik, Warsaw, Poland, June 21, 2017

MBST-Kernspinresonanztherapie, 5 Jahre Praktische Erfahrung in der therapeutischen Anwendung

P. Zelenay

Lecture, Medical Symposium, Damian Klinik, Warsaw, Poland, June 21, 2017

Nuclear magnetic resonance (MBST-NMR) therapy affects the circadian clock of zebrafish cells

R. Oliva, A. M. Sandbichler, M. Egg; Institute of Zoology, Department of Ecophysiology, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Lecture, SCIENTIFIC SMÖRGÅSBORD, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 3–6, 2017

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy MBST – The New PossibilityTreatment of Musculoskeletal Diseases and Sports Injuries

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture, HIP & KNEE CONGRESS, Orthopedic Surgery, Sport Medicine, Geriatric, Pain management, Bellevue Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon, May 5–6, 2017


C. Buck; orthopaedic practice in Ulm; team doctor German national team athletics, SSV Ulm (soccer, first league), VfB Stuttgart (soccer, third league), ratiopharm Ulm (basketball, first league)

sportärztezeitung, Konservative Therapie & Rehabilitation, 03/2017, 36–38

The concept of an integrated holistic approach in the rehabilitation of patients with degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system

I. V. Kitaev1, O. Plastinina2; 1Chief doctor Clinic of the Joints and Spine ArtroMedCenter, Saratov, Russia, 2Doctor rheumatologist Clinic of the Joints and Spine ArtroMedCenter, Saratov, Russia

Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Behandlungen, überregionale, wissenschaftliche und praktische Konferenz »Rehabilitation and profilactics in international medicine

Hüftkopfnekrose ausgeheilt. Kombination aus Schulmedizin und Alternativmedizin erfolgreich

P. Krapf; orthopedist, Trier, Germany

Orthopädie & Rheuma, 20 (5), 62

Kernspinresonanztherapie bei Arthrosen

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, 35. Rheumatagung Saalfelden, Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster für Arthritis und Rehabilitation Sonderkrankenanstalt der PVA, Saalfelden, Austria, June 24–25, 2016

Neues Wirkprinzip: Therapie mit Kernspinresonanz

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Seminar „Spezielle Schmerztherapie“ zur Erlangung des Schmerzdiploms der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, Teil 2: June 2016, Veranstalter: Salzburger Schmerzinstitut, Salzburger Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin, Vorarlberger Ärztekammer

Lecture, June 2016

Non-invasive treatment for osteoarthritis, osteoporosis & sports injuries

J. Overbeck1, W. Kullich2; 1Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany; 2Ludwig Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Workshop, Africa Health Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, June 8–10, 2016

Introduction to NMR therapy and its use as an effective treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Africa Health Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, June 9, 2016

Research to the Effects of Therapeutic Application of Nuclear Magnetic Reonance (NMRT) at Cellular level

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, Africa Health Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, June 9, 2016

Magnetic Resonance Therapy for OA & Osteoporosis Workshops

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Workshop, Africa Health Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, June 10, 2016

Spitzenmedizin im Handball – Bessere Versorgung durch kombinierten Einsatz verschiedener Therapien bei akuten Muskelverletzungen

R. Toussaint, Practising Orthopaedic Specialist for Sports Medicine

sportärztezeitung, 02/2016, 38–39

Den Schmerz im Visier

F. Saenger, General Practitioner, Chiropractist and Manual Therapy

top magazin Wuppertal, Spring 2016, 104–105

Modulation of NF-kB activity by the therapeutic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to explain pain reduction in patients with osteoarthritis

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser1, W. Kullich1, A. Mann2, B. Stritzinger1, H. G. Kress2, L. Weigl2; 1Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; 2Department for Special Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

Posterpresentation, International Pain Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, Vienna, Austria, September 2–5, 2015

A new concept of integrated holistic approach in treatment of chronic musculoskeletal diseases – The “BAR” method

D. Krpan, Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Periodicum Biologorum, 117, No. 1, 119–124

Wissenschaftspreis für Schmerzforschung zur Kernspinresonanz-Therapie verliehen: Deutsch-österreichische Forschergruppe erhält renommierte Auszeichnung

Ortho-Press, 1/2015

The influence of nuclear magnetic resonance therapy (NMRT) and interleukin IL1-β stimulation on Cal 78 chondrosarcoma cells and C28/I2 chondrocytes

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy. The new opportunity in the treatment of chronic skeleton diseases and sport injuries

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy. The new opportunity in the treatment of chronic skeleton diseases and sport injuries

Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy as treatment of degenerative diseases of the locomotor system

I. Mařík, A. Maříková, R. Myslivec; Ambulantní centrum pro vady pohybového aparátu s.r.o, Prague, Czechia

Lecture, 19th Kubat’s Podiatric day, Prague, Czechia, March 8, 2014

Neues Wirkprinzip: Therapie mit Kernspinresonanz

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, Kurs „Spezielle Schmerztherapie“, Schmerzdiplom der österreichischen Ärztekammer, Leogang, Austria, June 19, 2014

Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy as treatment of degenerative diseases of the locomotor system

I. Mařík, A. Maříková, R. Myslivec; Ambulantní centrum pro vady pohybového aparátu s.r.o, Prague, Czechia

Lecture, 19th Kubat’s Podiatric day, Prague, Czechia, March 8, 2014

Funktion und Ästhetik – All in One

Vis. Prof. Dr. Dr. A. Valentin, Dr. rer. nat. K. M. Valentin; Zahnmedizinische Klinik am Wasserturm, Mannheim, Germany

Cosmetic dentistry, 3-2013

Therapie mit Kernspinresonanz – Nachhaltige Verbesserung von Arthroseschmerzen (Multizentrische Beobachtungsstudie an 4.518 Patienten)

W. Kullich, B. Steinecker; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Traum und Wirklichkeit. Schmerztherapie im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ethik und Ökonomie, ÖSG-Vorträge, Leykam, 2013, 43–44

Therapie mit Kernspinresonanz – Nachhaltige Verbesserung von Arthroseschmerzen (Multizentrische Beobachtungsstudie an 4.518 Patienten)

W. Kullich, B. Steinecker; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Posterpresentation, 21. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Schmerzgesellschaft, Winner of the Posteraward, Klagenfurt, Austria, May 9–11, 2013

Intracellular Calcium is Influenced by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy (NMRT) in Cal-78 Chondrosarcoma Cells

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser1, L. G. Weigel2, H. G. Kress2, W. Kullich1; 1Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; 2Department for Special Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

Lecture, ÖGR Jahrestagung, 2013

Intracellular Calcium is influenced by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy in Cal-78 chondrosarcoma cells

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser1, L. Weigl2, W. Kullich1; 1Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; 2Department for Special Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

Bone – Abstracts, ECTS 2013, Lissabon, 2013, 1, 248

Nachhaltige Wirkung der Kernspinresonanztherapie bei Arthrosen zeigen multizentrische Daten von über 4.500 Patienten

B. Stritzinger, B. Steinecker, W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel, 2013, 20(4), 159

Multizentrische Daten von über 4.500 Patienten mit degenerativ rheumatischen Erkrankungen bestätigen nachhaltige Wirkung der Kernspinresonanztherapie

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Posterpresentation, 61. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Süddeutscher Orthopäden und Unfallchirurgen, Baden-Baden, Germany, May 1–4, 2013

Nachhaltige Wirkung der Kernspinresonanztherapie bei Arthrosen zeigen multizentrische Daten von über 4.500 Patienten

B. Stritzinger, B. Steinecker, W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, 21. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Schmerzgesellschaft ÖSG, May 9–11, 2013

Nachhaltige Wirkung der Kernspinresonanztherapie bei Arthrosen zeigen multizentrische Daten von über 4.500 Patienten

W. Kullich, B. Stritzinger, B. Steinecker; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Posterpresentation, 1. LBG Meeting for Health Sciences, Vienna, Austria, December 2, 2013

MBST – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy. The new opportunity in the treatment of chronic skeleton diseases and sport injuries

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture, Wissenschaftliches Meeting, Bukarest, Romania, September 2013

MBST®– Analysis of the scientific studies and its relevance to the daily application

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, The Park Hotel, New Delhi, India, June 7, 2013

MBST® – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy, Analysis of the Scientific Studies and its Relevance to the Daily Application

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, East Delhi Gynae Forum, Delhi, India, June 7, 2013

Magnetic resonance therapy

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, 32nd Annual Conference of North Zone Chapter of The Indian Orthopaedic Association, Srinagar, India, June 1, 2013

Clinical Efficiency of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy in Osteoarthritis

W. Kullich, B. Stritzinger, B. Steinecker; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Posterpresentation, First LBG Meeting for Health Sciences 2013, Vienna, Austria, December 2, 2013

Innovative medical technology – Made in Germany

A. Muntermann, A. Oelsner; MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany

Lecture, Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Krankenhaus, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, November 26, 2013

MBST-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy – innovative medical technology made in Germany

A. Muntermann, A. Oelsner; MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany

Lecture, National Guard Krankenhaus, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, November 27, 2013

Innovative medical technology – Made in Germany

A. Muntermann, A. Oelsner; MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany

Lecture, Saad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, November 28, 2013

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy. A Short Analysis of the Scientific Studies focused on the Spine

Assoc. Prof. I. Mařík1, M. Schmitz2, A. Oelsner2; 1Ambulant Centre for defects of Locomotor apparatus, l. l. c., Prag, Tschechien; 2MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany

Lecture, 15th Prauge-Lublin-Sydney Symposium, Children’s Rehabilitation Center of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Ogonyok, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 15–22, 2013

Multizentrische Daten von über 4.500 Patienten mit degenerativ rheumatischen Erkrankungen bestätigen nachhaltige Wirkung der Kernspinresonanztherapie

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und unfallchirurgische Praxis (Kurzreferate VSOU), Deutscher Ärzteverlag, 2013, 305–306

Intracellular Calcium is influenced by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy in Cal-78 chondrosarcoma cells

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser1, L. Weigl2, W. Kullich1; 1Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; 2Department for Special Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

Lecture, ECTS 2013, Lissabon, Portugal, May 18–21, 2013

Functional ability of the skeleton and how we can improve it by MBST

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture, Kroatischer Nationalkongress für Osteoporose, Opatia, Croatia, April 2013

(N)MRT – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy, Analysis of the Scientific Studies and its Relevance to Sport Injuries and its Ramifications

J. Overbeck; Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine, University of Ulm, Germany, April 12–14, 2013

MRT-Magnetic Resonance Therapy Analysis of the Scientific Studies and its Relevance to the Daily Application

J. Overbeck, Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Spring Orthopedic Symposium, Prague, Czechia, March 22–23, 2012

MBST®-Therapeutische Kernspinresonanztherapie bei degenerativen Erkrankungen des Stütz- und Bewegungsapparates

J. Overbeck, Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Orthopädenkongress porada, Hotel NH Olomouc, May 16–18, 2012

Statisch, dynamisch, gepulst – was bringen Magnetfelder in der Schmerztherapie

W. van Laack, G. Froning; Institute for Bioengineering (IfB), Laboratory Biomechanics, University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Campus

Juelich, Orthopaedic Practice and Center for outpatient arthroscopic operations, Herzogenrath b. Aachen, Germany

MBST – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy. The new opportunity in the treatment of chronic skeleton diseases and sport injuries

D. Krpan; Policlinica K-Centar, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture, Symposium Best practices in the health evaluation of elite athletes – post Olympic analyses, Belgrad, Serbia, October 2012

Leitfaden Naturheilverfahren für die ärztliche Praxis

A.-M. Beer, M. Adler (Hrsg.), Munich 2012, 296

MBST – Treatment of chronic skeleton diseases

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture, Symposium The new methods in the treatment of degenerative diseases, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 2011

30 Jahre Boltzmann Institut und 30. Rheumatagung in Saalfelden

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Jatros Orthopädie, 5/2011, 68

Chronisches Lumbalsyndrom – Kann die Kernspinresonanz den Rehabilitationserfolg verlängern?

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria


MBST – The new treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture, ISCEM 2011 und 5. Kroatischer Kongress für Endokrinologie mit internationaler Beteiligung, Pula, Croatia, October 2011

Kernspinresonanz beeinflusst Arthroseschmerz

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Posterpresentation, 19. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Schmerzgesellschaft, May 26–28, 2011

MBST – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy. The New Possiblity of Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis Treatment

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Balneoclimatologia, Dijagnostica I Leˆcenje Osteoporoze, May 2011, Vol. 35, 61–66

MBST – Nuclear Magentic Resonance Therapy. The new possibility of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis treatment

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture, Internationales Symposium für Osteoporose, Niška Banja, Serbia, May 2011

Therapeutischer Einsatz der Kernspinresonanz bei verschiedenen Arthroseformen

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, 30. Rheumatologische Fortbildungstagung, Saalfelden, Austria, June 17–18, 2011

MBST-Kernspin – Innovative Medizintechnik – Jogging für die Zelle

A. Muntermann; MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany

Lecture, 30. Rheumatologische Fortbildungstagung, Saalfelden, Austria, June 17–18, 2011

Therapeutischer Einsatz der Kernspinresonanz bei verschiedenen Arthroseformen

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, 30. Rheumatologische Fortbildungstagung, Saalfelden, Austria, June 17–18, 2011

Intrazelluläre Ca2+-Regulation als möglicher Angriffspunkt der KSRT

L. Weigl; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria, Department for Special Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

Lecture, 30. Rheumatologische Fortbildungstagung, Saalfelden, Austria, June 17–18, 2011

Einfluss der Kernspinresonanz auf Arthrose-relevante Faktoren

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, 30. Rheumatologische Fortbildungstagung, Saalfelden, Austria, June 17–18, 2011

Modulation of VEGF and Cytokines by the Therapeutic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser1, L. Weigl2, N. Fagerer1, G. Weberhofer2, W. Kullich1, H. G. Kress2; 1Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; 2Department for Special Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

Presentation, Jahreskongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie und Rehabilitation, Vienna, Austria, November 25–27, 2010

Modulation of VEGF and Cytokines by the Therapeutic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser1, L. Weigl2, N. Fagerer1, G. Weberhofer2, W. Kullich1, H. G. Kress2; 1Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; 2Department for Special Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel, 17 (4), 155

MBST – The new opportunity in the treatment of chronic skeleton diseases and sports injuries XXX oder XXX MBST – The new concept of the treatment of chronic skeleton diseases?

D. Krpan; Poliklinika K-CENTAR, Zagreb, Croatia

Lecture, Orthopädische Tage, Maribor, Slovenia, December 2010

NFAT-Modulation in Knochen- und Knorpelzellen durch therapeutische Kernspinresonanz

W. Kullich, L. Weigl, B. Steinecker, H. G. Kress; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria, Department for Special Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

Lecture and posterpresentation, Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, October 21–24, 2009

NFAT-Modulation in Knochen- und Knorpelzellen durch therapeutische Kernspinresonanz



Bessert Schmerz und Funktion: Kernspin-Therapie an die Arthrose

Medical Tribune, 44. year, No. 1/2, January 9, 2009, 9

Influence of NMR therapy on Ca2+ signalling and gene expression in osteosarcoma- and chondrosarcoma cell lines

L. G. Weigl, B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser, C. Höller, E. Sipos, H. G. Kress, W. Kullich; University Clinic for Radiodiagnostics, Medical University, Vienna, Austria; Orthopaedic Pain Management, Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria; Centre of Excellence for Orthopaedic Pain Management, Speising, Vienna, Austria

Regional Biophysics Conference, Linz, Austria, February 10–14, 2009

Influence of NMR Therapy on Metabolism of Osteosarcoma- and Chondrosarcoma Cell lines

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser, L. Weigl, C. Höller, E. Sipos, W. Kullich, H. G. Kress; University Clinic for Radiodiagnostics, Medical University, Vienna, Austria; Orthopaedic Pain Management, Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria; Centre of Excellence for Orthopaedic Pain Management, Speising, Vienna, Austria

Bone – Official Journal of the International Bone and Mineral Society, No. 44-2, 295

Influence of NMR Therapy on Metabolism of Osteosarcoma- and Chondrosarcoma Cell lines.

B. Steinecker-Frohnwieser, L. Weigl, C. Höller, E. Sipos, W. Kullich, H.G. Kress; University Clinic for Radiodiagnostics, Medical University, Vienna, Austria; Orthopaedic Pain Management, Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria; Centre of Excellence for Orthopaedic Pain Management, Speising, Vienna, Austria

Presentation, 36th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, ECTS Congress, Vienna, Austria, May 23–27, 2009

Von der Diagnose-Apparatur zur Therapie-Anwendung – KernspinResonanz eine neue Behandlung für Knorpelaufbau

W. Schwägerl

Article, Ärzte Woche, May 7, 2009, 22

Arthrose und Schmerztherapie mit Kernspin

Wirtschaftsmagazin für den Orthopäden, 6/2008, 16

Therapeutischer Einsatz der Kernspinresonanz bei Arthrosen

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, October 22–25, 2008

Funktionsverbesserung bei Fingergelenksarthrosen durch therapeutischen Einsatz der Kernspinresonanz

W. Kullich, M. Ausserwinkler; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Posterpresentation, 56. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Süddeutscher Orthopäden e. V., Baden-Baden, Germany, May 1–4, 2008; awarded with a posterprize

Einfluss der Kernspinresonanz-Therapie auf die Regulation des NFAT-Pathways in Osteound Chondrosarcomzelle

B. Steinecker, L. Weigl, W. Kullich, H. G. Kress; University Clinic for Radiodiagnostics, Medical University, Vienna, Austria; Orthopaedic Pain Management, Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria; 3Centre of Excellence for Orthopaedic Pain Management, Speising, Vienna, Austria

Presentation, Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie, Vienna, Austria, November 2008

Einfluss der Kernspinresonanz-Therapie auf die Regulation des NFAT-Pathways in Osteound Chondrosarcomzelle

B. Steinecker, L. Weigl, W. Kullich, H. G. Kress; University Clinic for Radiodiagnostics, Medical University, Vienna, Austria; Orthopaedic Pain Management, Orthopaedic Hospital Speising, Vienna, Austria; Centre of Excellence for Orthopaedic Pain Management, Speising, Vienna, Austria

Zeitschrift für Mineralstoffwechsel, 11/2008, 201

MBST Kernspin-Resonanz-Therapie – Erfolgreicher Einsatz auch im Leistungssport

Praxis Physiotherapie, 1/2008

Funktionsverbesserung bei Fingergelenksarthrose durch Kernspinresonanz

W. Kullich, M. Ausserwinkler; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Jatros Orthopädie, offizielles Organ der ÖGO, No. 4/2008, 29

MBST® KernSpin: Innovation in der Therapie von Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates

DOV-Magazin, Deutscher Orthopäden Verband e. V., Ausgabe May/June 2008, 4–6

Functional improvement in finger joint osteoarthritis with therapeutic use of nuclear magnetic resonance

W. Kullich, M. Ausserwinkler; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Varia, 05/2008

Behandlung von Handarthrosen mit Hilfe der Kernspinresonanzfrequenz

W. Kullich, M. Ausserwinkler; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Varia, 05/2008

Magnetic Resonance Therapy and Bone Health

J. Overbeck, Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Kings College Hospital, Bone Health Group, London, UK, December 2007

A new Technique how it works! Personal Experiences and Studies – London Bone Research Group

J. Overbeck, Practising Orthopaedic Specialist and Researcher, Deggendorf, Germany

Lecture, Bone Health Group, London, UK, December 2007

Chronische Gelenkprobleme: Kernspinimpulse therapeutisch genutzt

P. Valentin; Unfallchirurgiezentrum, Klosterneuburg, Austria

Ärztewoche, 13 December 2007, 14

Anwendung der Kernspinresonanz bei degenerativ-rheumatischen Erkrankungen

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, 5. MBST-Anwendertagung, Wetzlar, Germany, 24 November 2007

Die therapeutische Anwendung der KernspinResonanz bei Gonarthrose, Low back pain und Fingerpolyarthrosen

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, Tagung Evaluation und Forschung in der Rehabilitation, Groebming, Austria, September 13, 2007

KernspinResonanz in der Therapie der Gonarthrose

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, LBI Clustertreffen, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria, June 22, 2007

Therapeutische Anwendung der KernspinResonanz bei Fingerpolyarthrosen

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, LBI Clustertreffen, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria, June 22, 2007

Einfluss der KernspinResonanz auf die Genexpression bzw. das elektrische Verhalten von Osteocyten, Chondrocyten und PC12 Zellen

B. Steinecker; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, LBI Clustertreffen, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria, June 22, 2007

Neue Formen der Arthrose-Behandlung

J. Josiliewicz

Lecture, Ben-Gurion-University of the Negev, Be’er Scheva, Israel, April 2007

Kann die therapeutische Anwendung der Kernspinresonanz die Dauer des Rehabilitationserfolges bei chronischem Lumbalsyndrom verlängern?

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, 3. MBST-Fortbildungsveranstaltung und Anwendertagung, Wetzlar, Germany, November 11, 2006

Therapeutische Anwendung der KernspinResonanz

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, Jour fix, SKA der PVA Saalfelden, Austria, 13 September 2006

Einsatz der MBST-KernspinResonanzTherapie in der Rehabilitation

W. Kullich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, 1. Clustersymposium, Medical University Vienna, Austria, May 30, 2006

Does have low-energy NMR an effect on moderate gonarthrosis

H. Jansen, T. Brockamp, J. R. J. Paletta, S. Ockamn, M. J. Raschke, R. H. Meffert; University Clinic Muenster, Clinic for Trauma and Regenerative Surgery, Germany

Lecture and Posterpresentation, The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 19–22 March 2006, Chicago, USA

Hat Kernspin-Resonanz Einfluss auf die experimentell induzierte Arthrose im Kaninchenmodell?

H. Jansen1, J. Paletta2, S. Ochman1, M. J. Raschke1, R. H. Meffert1; 1University Clinic Muenster, Clinic for Trauma and Regenerative Surgery, Germany; 2Clinic for Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, University Clinic Gießen Marburg, Germany

Deutscher Orthopädenkongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, October 2–6, 2006

Expression des Vascular Endothelial Growth (VEGF) im Frühstadium der Gonarthrose im Kaninchenmodell

H. Jansen1, R. H. Meffert1, F. Birkenfeld2, M. J. Raschke1, W. Petersen1, T. Pufe2; 1University Clinic Muenster, Clinic for Trauma and Regenerative Surgery, Germany; 2Institute for Anatomy, Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany

Deutscher Orthopädenkongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, October 2–6, 2006

Magnetische Strahlung lässt Knorpel regenerieren – MBST®-Kernspinresonanztherapie als sinnvolle Ergänzung in der Orthopädie

W. Klapsch; Spittal, Austria

Ärztewoche, December 7, 2006, 14

KernspinResonanzTherapie verbessert den Rehabilitationserfolg bei chronischem Kreuzschmerz

W. Kullich, N. Fagerer, K. Machreich, H. Schwann; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; Rehabilitation Centre of the PVA, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture, Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie und Rehabilitation, Vienna, Austria, November 25–26, 2005

KernspinResonanzTherapie verbessert den Rehabilitationserfolg bei chronischem Kreuzschmerz

W. Kullich, N. Fagerer, K. Machreich, H. Schwann; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; Rehabilitation Centre of the PVA, Saalfelden, Austria

Skriptum – Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift, 11–12

KernspinResonanzTherapie verbessert den Rehabilitationserfolg bei chronischem Kreuzschmerz



MBST®-NuclearMagneticResonanceTherapy improves rehabilitation outcome in patients with low back pain.

W. Kullich, H. Schwann, J. Walcher, K. Machreich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria

Lecture and Posterpresentation, EULAR-Congress, Vienna, Austria, June 8–11, 2005

MBST®-NuclearMagneticResonanceTherapy improves rehabilitation outcome in patients with low back pain.

W. Kullich, H. Schwann, J. Walcher, K. Machreich; Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Department for Rehabilitation, Saalfelden, Austria; Rehabilitation Centre of the PVA, Saalfelden, Austria

The EULAR Journal, Annals of the rheumatic diseases, EULAR-Congress, Vienna, Austria, June 8–11, 2005

Die MBST®-KernspinResonanzTherapie bei aktivierter Coxarthrose einer 14-jährigen cerebralparetischen Patientin

W. Klapsch; Spittal/Drau, Austria

Lecture, Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Innsbruck, Austria, 2005

Stationäre Naturheilkunde: Handbuch für Klinik und Rehabilitation

A.-M. Beer (Hrsg.), Munich/Jena, Germany, 2005, 169

Prospektive Untersuchung über 1 Jahr zur Wirksamkeit der MBST®- KernspinResonanzTherapie bei der konservativen Therapie der Gonarthrose

B. Auerbach, A. Yacoub, C. Melzer; Waldkrankenhaus Bad Dueben, Clinic for Orthopaedics; Orthopaedic Pracitce, Taucha, Germany

Lecture and Posterpresentation, 1. gemeinsamer Kongress Orthopädie – Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, October 19–22, 2005

Prospektive Untersuchung über 1 Jahr zur Wirksamkeit der MBST®- KernspinResonanzTherapie bei der konservativen Therapie der Gonarthrose



Prospektive Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit der MBST®-KernspinResonanzTherapie bei der konservativen Therapie der Gonarthrose

B. Auerbach, A. Yacoub, C. Melzer; Waldkrankenhaus Bad Dueben, Clinic for Orthopaedics, Germany

Lecture, Deutscher Orthopädenkongress, Berlin, Germany, November 2003

MBST-Kernspinresonanztherapie – Wirkung im Gewebe

W. Klapsch; Spittal/Drau, Austria

Lecture, Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Graz, Austria, 2003

Die MBST-Kernspinresonanztherapie bei aktiver Coxarthrose einer 14-jährigen cerebraparetischen Patientin

W. Klapsch; Spittal/Drau, Austria

Lecture, Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Graz, Austria, 2003

MBST® Kernspinresonanztherapie Therapieoption bei degenerativen und traumatischen Gelenksveränderungen

W. Klapsch; Spittal/Drau, Austria

Lecture, Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Graz, Austria, 124, 2002

Pulsierende elektromagnetische Wellen

G. Breitgraf, I. Froböse; German Sports University, Cologne, Germany

Lecture, Deutscher Orthopädenkongress, Wiesbaden, October 2000